
Graduate Program Information

by Portal PPGQUI
Published: 25/05/2017 - 09:45
Last modification: 30/05/2021 - 23:26


The Graduate Program in Chemistry (PPGQUI) of the Institute of Chemistry of Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) possesses both master’s degree and PhD degree courses. After completing all the requirements of the program, including defenses of dissertation/thesis, admissioned students will receive the title Master of Chemistry, for the case of the master’s degree course, or Doctor of Chemistry, for the case of the PhD course. These courses are a part of the 41 master’s degree courses and of the 20 PhD degree courses of UFU and are both recognized by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES (Cod. 32006012011P4). PPGQUI is ruled by the Resolution 13/2012, of the UFU University Council – CONSUN.

PPGQUI is structured by the concentration field Chemistry and entails seven (07) research fields:  Materials Science: Chemistry of Solid State; Applied Electrochemistry; Theoretical Chemistry and Physical-Chemistry of Macromolecules and Colloids; Environmental Chemistry, Sustainability and Chemistry Education; Bioinorganic Chemistry, Photochemistry and Photobiology; Medicinal Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural Products and Organic SynthesisAnalytical Instrumentation and Sample Preparation.


The PPGQUI Master's and PhD programs have evolved very rapidly since their stablishment: The Master’s degree course in Chemistry started in 1998, with CAPES concept 3. In 2006, its concept grade was raised to four (4) and in 2013 to five (5); an achievement derived from a strong internal politic towards the fulfillment of CAPES normative. The PhD degree course started as a Multi-institutional Program in Chemistry from the Federal University of Goiás, Federal University of Mato Grosso and Federal University of Uberlândia. From 2006 to 2007 this program received concept 3 from CAPES whereas from 2008 to 2012 its concept was raised to four (4). In december 2012, CAPES evaluated the proposal for independence among the PhD courses of the three universities and, in 2013, the proposal of independence of PPGQUI PhD degree course was approved.  

After the triennial CAPES evaluation, encompassing the period of 2010-2012, the PPGQUI Master’s degree course achieved concept 5. Due to the stablishment of the independent PPGQUI PhD course in 2013, it was not evaluated in this particular period, receiving the concept 4 from the previous entanglement with the other PhD courses. The concept 5 was then achieved for the PhD course in 2017 CAPES evaluation, concerning the quadrennial of 2013-2016. Such evolution in terms of concept evaluations indicated the consolidation of both Master’s and PhD degree courses from PPGQUI.


The general purposes of both courses rely in the education of highly qualified human resources able to perform in top-edge scientific and technological research as well as teaching/lecturing, seeking the strengthening of the scientific-technological and innovation potential for the West region of Minas Gerais, in which PPGQUI is stablished.  


Trainning of high-level human resources in terms of teaching abilities, scientific and technological research, professional (e.g. industry-related) activities as well as other related  activities for the population of Uberlândia, its macro-region as well as Brazil.


The PPGQUI-UFU accredited professors possess research laboratories that are distributed in the UFU campus of Santa Mônica, Umuarama, Monte Carmelo and Ituiutaba. Additionally, PPGQUI has the assistance of the Multi-User Laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry IQ/UFU in Uberlânia-Santa Monica and the Multi-User Equipment Laboratory-LEMUP of the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences of Pontal-ICENP/UFU in Ituiutaba.

In the Block 5I of the Santa Mônica campus one may encounter the PPGQUI secretariat, as well as the coordination room and an amphitheater, with a capacity for 30 people. This space features video conferencing equipments that allow multi-user audio and video conferences with other video conference rooms. It also features a data-show and virtual whiteboard.
