Material Sciences: Chemistry of Solid State

by Portal PPGQUI
Published: 08/02/2021 - 15:44
Last modification: 07/06/2021 - 17:12
  • Synthesis and characterization of new inorganic materials on nanoscale - semiconductor and ceramic oxides - and study of the optical, magnetic and photocatalytic properties of the obtained materials;
  • Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured semiconductor oxides with applications aimed at the photocatalytic treatment of effluents and wastewater, conversion of solar energy, photoelectrochemical cells, artificial photosynthesis among other technological applications;
  • Structural characterization by X-ray diffraction and theoretical study of organic and inorganic compounds with technological applications;
  • Application and development of computational methodologies (classical and quantum) for the characterization of systems in the condensed phase;
  • Preparation, functionalization and characterization of polymers (chemical or electrochemical), nanomaterials (graphene, metallic nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes) and nanocomposites (polymers and nanomaterials), for application in biosensors, fuel biocells and catalysis;
  • Synthesis and characterization of intercalation oxides and nanostructured composites used as lithium-ion battery cathodes (intercalation oxides, conductive polymers, composites between both) and development of capacitors from conductive polymer composites with carbon nanotubes and intercalation oxides for energy storage;
  • Development of photoluminescent inorganic materials containing Rare-Earth elements, light-emitting materials with potential application in solar cells, lighting systems, forensics, photodynamic therapy, optical amplification, LED’s, and photonics;
  • Synthesis and characterization of new materials containing metallic nanoparticles and inorganic complexes for use in catalysis and electrocatalysis;
  • Synthesis and characterization of metallic hexacyanoferrates and carbon nanostructures for application in sensors, energy storage devices and catalysts.

Laboratório de Materiais Fotoluminescentes - LAMAF
Laboratório de Fotoquímica e Ciência dos Materiais - LAFOT-CM
Laboratório de Compostos Inorgânicos – LCI
Laboratório de Filmes Poliméricos e Nanotecnologia - LAFIP-NANOTEC
Laboratório do Grupo de Química de Materiais Inorgânicos Nanoestruturados – GQMIN