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Publicado: 24/05/2017 - 15:50
Última modificación: 07/10/2021 - 15:06
Estudante / Comunidade externa

Foreign students interested in applying to our graduate program (Master and Doctorate) are welcome and may participate freely in the selection process.

PPGQUI's masters and doctoral courses have grants from CNPq, CAPES and FAPEMIG. To apply for these grants, the student must have applied for the admission process. To find out how the selection process works, click here (in Portuguese).

Foreign students can also apply for grants in the Program of Students - Postgraduate Agreement (PEC-PG) or  "The World Academy of Sciences" (TWAS-CNPq) .

  • PEC-PG 

The Program of Students - Postgraduate Agreement (PEC-PG) is the result of a partnership between the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) through the Division of Educational Issues (DCE) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). It aims to grant full doctorate scholarships in Brazilian institutions to university professors, researchers, professionals and graduates in developing countries with which Brazil maintains an Agreement for Educational, Cultural or Science and Technology Cooperation. This cooperation aims at contributing to the development of his / her country. Registration is free of charge and can be made directly on the program website by completing a registration questionnaire and sending documents, as described in the announcement. For more information access the website of the program.

  • TWAS- CNPq

The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brasilia-Brazil and TWAS offer full-time graduate grants and part-time grants for young scientists from developing countries (other than Brazil) who wish to do doctoral research in all areas of science. Information about the application, program details, eligibility criteria, required documents and certificates, as well as the online application form, is available on the program website.


Should the foreign student be approved in all stages of the Program selection process, the following documents are required: I. Proof of undergraduate studies and graduation diploma in the fields accepted in the Program selection process; II. Proof of legal status in national territory; III. Non-lusophone candidates should present the approval certificate from PROFLIN – Portuguese Language from ILEEL-UFU (http://www.ileel.ufu.br/proflin) or the Certificate CELPE-BRAS (http://www.mec.gov.br/sesu/celp.shtm), observing the same conditions and the same expiry dates as other proficiency certificates.

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